Personalised Couples & Family Counselling

Deniliquin & surrounding areas

Life can be difficult, bringing many challenges to couples and families. It is possible to overcome these hardships with time and work. Here at Together Couples and Family Counselling we can work together to build stronger and more secure families.

I help couples to learn how to communicate well through listening and sharing well and to help build families in which everyone can feel seen, soothed, safe, secure and loved.

“We come into the world looking for someone looking for us”

– Dr Curt Thompson MD



My name is Susan Strong, and my desire at Together Couples and Family Counselling is to help couples to learn how to communicate well through listening and sharing well and to help build families in which everyone can feel seen, soothed, safe, secure and loved. 

Through training with the Australian Institute of Family Counselling, Mindsight Institute, Gottman Institute, and the Australian Childhood Foundation I seek to use techniques based on interpersonal neurobiology, attachment theory and using a trauma informed lens to help families become closer, stronger, and each member feeling more completely known.


  • Graduate Diploma in Counselling (Christian)
  • Graduate Certificate in Developmental Trauma
  • Certified Grief Recovery Specialist with The Grief Recovery Institute
  • Facilitator in Bringing Up Great Kids (Australian Childhood Foundation)
  • Certificate training through the Mindsight Institute
  • I am a member of Australian Counselling Association (ACA)

We are made for relationships.

We all have a desire to be truly known and to have those closest to us to truly know us, however that can be frightening and difficult depending on what we have experienced in life and the fact that those we love the most can hurt us the most.

While hurt happens in relationships, with hard work and time, those hurts are most affectively healed within relationships.

Available Services


Couples Counselling

Perhaps you are experiencing difficulties in your marriage or relationship.

Maybe you are drifting a part or you are misunderstanding each other. Perhaps you just need to fine tune some areas of your relationship. At Together Couples counselling we will explore issues impacting your lives and explore helpful way to work at building a stronger marriage or relationship. This is a safe space to discuss these issues and to learn and develop strategies together along with learning to understanding each other better and to develop a sense of truly being known by each other. 

This work is not easy nor quick however you will go away with skills that will help you long into your future if you will to work at building your relationship.

Family Counselling

Sometimes being a family is difficult and you are at a loss with what you can do to make things work better.

At Together Family counselling we will start with an understanding of family dynamics and consider life impact on children. We will work towards skills and strategies that can help children to feel seen, soothed and safe and build a strong family unit where all feel loved and supported. 

This may mean change in family routines and structure and will again not be quick work but rewarding with long term future benefits to the whole family. 


Fee Schedule

Initial Appointment

90mins for $150

Standard Appointment

60mins for $120


Interpersonal Neurobiology

Where our hearts, minds and brains meet

Created by Daniel Siege, is a form of understanding how our brain, mind, body and soul are integrally melded together to create our very being which is then intertwined with each relationship we experience in our lives.

To develop, grow and change those relationships for the better, interpersonal neurobiology explains how we must understand each area of our being and how it is impacted by each relationship we have experienced in our lives.  Understanding can lead to healing and change.

Secure Attachment is when the child feels safe and secure, seen and heard. They feel safe to develop relationships with others and seek support.

Anxious /ambivalent attachment is when the child is uncertain of their parent’s regard for them and so will be anxious or clingy with their parent. As adults they might crave relationships and become dependent and demanding.

Avoidant attachment is when despite having all their physical needs met the child does not receive the emotional regulation and support they need and as an adult they become very independent not wanting to build close relationships.

Disorganised attachment is when the child is fearful of the primary care giver and so as an adult, they find it very difficult to remain in relationship due to their fear and lack of trust.

For more information on Attachment Theory, please visit the Attachment Project. The link above takes you to their 5 minute quiz that will help you to identify your own attachment style. 

Attachment Theory

Formed by John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, attachment theory explains how the types of interaction we have with our primary care givers in our formative years can deeply impact how we interact in our relationship in our present life.

We can have different attachment types with different people. When we understand our attachment type we can start to understand our relationships and how they might be able to change.

There are four types of attachment.

For more information on Attachment Theory, please visit the Attachment Project. The link above takes you to their 5 minute quiz that will help you to identify your own attachment style. 

Client Testimonials

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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Request An Appointment

If you would like to request an appointment, please click through to the form below with your availability, and I will be in touch to schedule something asap!

Contact Form


For all other enquiries, please contact us via the contact form, or reach out directly using the details below.

Phone: 0456 070 060

Located at Central Consulting,
371-373 George St, Deniliquin

Mail: PO BOX 134, Mathoura, NSW, 2710

Open: Tues & Wed 8:00AM - 6:00PM